5 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms - Houses ฿ 16 000

5 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms - Houses

March 4 №4542
View: No view 
Beach proximity: Not specified 
Bathtub Fully furnished 100% privacy Fresh renovation
Additional rental benefits
Hi-Speed WiFi
🏡 2 storey detached house for rent 🌺 There are 5 bedrooms. There are 4 bathrooms. There are 3 am. Empty house ✅️ 🚘 There are 2-3 car parks. 🍀 Have a living area 💰 Rental price 16,000 baht ✅️ 1 month rental+ 2 month deposit, contract 🙏 Area of ​​53 sq.w. sells 3.5 delete 🥰 Interested, contact [Hidden Information] or inbox. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/426035003868781/?ref=category_Feed&referral_code=undefined&ReFerral_Type=Listing&TRACKING=%22QID% 3A%22-258210133319573431%22%2C%22mf_story_KEY 22%3A%229257635804352153%22%2 C%22 Commerce_Rank_obj%22%3A%22%7B%5C 22TARGET_ID%5C%22%3A9257635804352153%2C %5C%22target_type%5C%22%3A0%2C%5C%22primary_position%5C%22%3A30%2C%5C%22ranking_signature%5C%22%3A4376428060217833643%2C%5C%22commerce_channel%5C%22%3A 504%2C%5C%22value%5C%22%3A0.92378329769001%2C%5C%22Candidate_retrieval_sourc E_MAP%5C%22%3A%7B%5C%229257635804352153%5C%22%3A204%7D%7D 22%7D & __ TN __ =!%3ad
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