3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms - Home ฿ 26 000

3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms - Home

Amphoe Bang Lamung, Chang Wat Chon Buri, 20150, Pattaya On the map
February 27 №4477
View: No view 
Style: Mixed style 
Beach proximity: <5 min drive 
Bathtub Fully furnished Large balcony or patio Large Garden Fresh renovation
Additional rental benefits
Hi-Speed WiFi
Urgent rent 💕💕 26,000💕💕 2. 🚩 Chaiyapruek 2 (Pruksa Nara) This movie is 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, for fir as in the picture. There are air conditioners in every room. The house has an area with a swimming pool. Central shady, quiet, safe, security 🥰 Rent 26000 / annual contract 2 months in advance 1 month For more information .. make an appointment to watch the project. Quick call ❗️ 065 8289 923 Whatapp +6665-8289-923 084-2345-423 Wara 👇 Click the link (LINE) Add Line 🆔 wpwararaya https://line.me/ti/p/eihltd-zeg WeChat 🆔 🇨🇳 wpwara Fuyu Service and EXIM CO., LTD https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2415258405492297/?ref=category_Feed&referral_code=undefined&ReFerral_Type=%7B%22qid%22 %3A%22-304704700439151247%22%2C%22MF_STORY_KEY 22%3A%229980531135298781%22%2 C%22 Commerce_Rank_obj%22%3A%22%7B%5C 22TARGET_ID%5C%22%3A9980531135298781%2C %5C%22TARGET_TYPE%5C 22%3A0%2C, 5C%22primary_position%5C%22%3A290%2C%22RANKING_SIGNATURE 5C%22%3A6397648085%2CHELL 2CONECECTELLECETELLECECECECECECECECECECECECECELECENELLECELLECELLECELLECENELLECELLECELLECENELLECENELLECENELLECENELLECENELLECENELL 504%2C%5C%22Value%5C%22%3A0.8740366849%2C%5C%22Candidate_retrieval_sourc E_MAP%5C%22%3A%7B%5C, 229980531135298781%5C%22%3A204%7D%7D 22%7D & __ TN __ =!%3AD
Amphoe Bang Lamung, Chang Wat Chon Buri, 20150, Pattaya
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