🏡🥰 It's here. Rent a new house. 1💥
💥 20,000 baht per month ❤️
🏡 Project 🔥 Village Village 🔥
🏡 Khao Noi Khao Ta Lo #Beautiful house behind the corner
-2 Bedroom 2 bathrooms
-Air conditioner, living room
-Air -conditioned both bedrooms
-1 Water heater
-Water pump + water tank
-swimming pool
-Central garden
-Complete furniture
-Complete electrical appliances
Ready to move the bag in. 😁
Interested in asking or requesting more information at 👇👇👇👇
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🏡🥰HERE IT IS, A New House for Rent, First Hand💥
💥 20,000 Baht Per Piece❤️
🏡Project 🔥 Wittown village 🔥
🏡 Khao Noi Khao Talo #Beautiful Corner House
- 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms
- New Air Conditioner
- Air Conditioner in the Bedroom
- 1 section
- TV
- Refrigortor
- Water Pump + Water Tank
- fitness
- Swimming Pool
- Central Garden
- Complete Furniture
- Complete Electrical Appliances
Ready to Move in with Your Bags 😁
If you want to ask or request more information, please contact 👇👇👇👇
☎️ [Hidden Information]
Line ID: [Hidden Information]
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