Concardi VIP 6
📌 Palace Soi 4
28 sqm.
Water 40 fire 7
8,000/month, 2 months deposit (annual contract)
- Personal washing machine
- 6 feet bed
- swimming pool
Go to the beach, agree 1.1 km.
Go to Woking 2.6 km.
Go to Soi Buakhao 3.8 km.
Go to Central Pattaya Beach 4.4 km.
The room is available to move in. 😊
New Nordic Kristine VIP-6
📌 Soi Pratumnak 4
8,000/Month, Deposit 2 months (Annual Contract)
Studio 28 SQM.
Washing Machine
Swimming Pool
- To yinyom beach 1.1 km.
- To Walking Street 2.6 km.
- To Soi Baokao 3.8 km.
- To Central Festival Pattaya Beach 4.4 km.
👉 Ready to Move in %3A%22-258208690068160742%22%2C%22mf_story_KEY 22%3A%229452529091473223%2C%22 Commerce_RANK_BJ%22%22%7B%5C%5C 22%3A94522222222 %5C%22target_type%5C%22%3A0%2C%5C%22primary_position%5C%22%3A176%2C%5C%22RAN King_signure%5C%22%3A4376428060217833643%2C%5C%22 Commerce_Channel%5C 22%3A 504%2C 5C%22Value%5C, 22%3A0.79355435811252%2C%5C%22Candidate_retrieval_sourc E_MAP%5C%22%3A%7B%5C%229452529091473223%5C%22%3A204%7D%7D 22%7D & __ TN __ =!%3AD